12 Facts About New Gardening To Make You Take A Look At Other People

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작성자 Kiara 댓글 0건 조회 5회 작성일 23-08-09 04:35


New Gardening Customers Are Buying Garden Products That Make Gardening Easier

As Covid-19 restrictions ease gardening products that aid in gardening are selling well. According to online e-commerce analytics, the home and garden market is showing a positive sales trend.

gardening ideas vegetables is attracted by a new generation super-agers. They are interested in raised garden pods that do not require bending, and gardening tools that are ergonomically designed.


They are enthusiastic but have no knowledge. They also have different requirements than the typical IGC client. Offer plants that are easy-to-care for, like succulents and other species that can withstand drought. And showcase the plants with clear signage that clearly identifies them, says Katie Rotella of Ball Horticultural. She expects that many of these customers will seek out staff for plant suggestions. They could also search for online videos such as YouTube or TikTok to find out more details and inspiration.

She also says that food flower gardens are a great place to start for this age group. They give consumers the feeling of control over their health through fresh produce. They may also be able to branch out to other plants as their gardening skills improve.

As the generation that is currently living in retirement, they will need to reconsider their gardening practices with regard to the environment. For instance, it's essential to incorporate conservation practices like rain barrels, water-wise irrigation and xeriscaping in order to conserve water and reduce carbon footprints. These practices will also help in tackling climate change, according to landscape designer Chloe Watts MSGD. She is seeing a trend towards naturalistic landscaping compositions, dry gravel and soil-specific designs.


Overwatering can be particularly hazardous for plants that are new, as it can cause root decay. It is recommended to water the soil around the base of the plant instead of allowing it to run off or splash onto the surface. It is recommended to water every week twice in the initial three weeks.

After the initial watering, the time between watering can be adjusted based on the weather conditions and soil type. For instance, porous soils absorb water well and don't require as much watering. Conversely, sandy soils need frequent watering to penetrate and hydrate the roots. Watering early in the day is also beneficial, since it lets the foliage dry prior to nightfall and prevents foliar diseases.

Another thing to consider is the position of the garden. The garden at home must be level so that it is easy to get rid of weeds and prepare the beds for planting. Sloping gardens require more labor to level and are generally more difficult to maintain.

It is essential that new gardeners choose the location that is close to a water source. This will reduce the time and expense of hauling water to the garden. This will reduce the time and New Gardening cost of transporting water to the garden.

The next step is to select the best plant that will best suit the area. The area of the garden will affect the type of plants that are chosen. However, if certain features like a deck or patio are planned to be part of the design, that will also impact the selection of plants.

Many new gardeners make their way into gardening by starting with vegetable plants, gaining the right balance and then extending their knowledge to ornamental plants later. This can be a great way to become familiar with the maintenance and care of plants, and also to gain confidence and feel of accomplishment in the garden flower.

Integrating sustainable practices into the design is an increasing concern for new gardeners. This includes using native plants and using conservation management techniques such as rain barrels, integrated pest management and xeriscaping into the design. These strategies address climate change challenges while also enhancing the diversity of the landscape and creating beautiful gardens.


As your garden expands it can be overgrown or appear unattractive. This can be rectified by pruning, a standard practice in horticulture. Pruning is the removal of damaged or diseased limbs and crowded crowns from woody plants. It improves the appearance of the plant and improves its health and growth.

Regular pruning helps reduce pest infestations, improve the health and vigor of the plant, improves overall plant appearance, and maintains property value. Pruning should be performed at the appropriate time to ensure proper growth and avoid injury. The best time to prune is in late winter or early spring, before the growth of the plant begins. However, certain plants have different suggested times.

A good pair of pruning tools is an essential tool for any gardener and it's important to choose the best one. We recommend the Felco Classic Manual Hand Prune because they are lightweight and durable yet still strong. They come with an unbeatable lifetime warranty and come with a great price tag.

Cleaning your tools is a crucial step to stop the spread of pathogens. We recommend spraying or wiping down your shears and saw blades on a regular basis after each cut to prevent spreading disease from one plant to the next. This will help keep your new garden healthy and stop diseases from spreading to other plants or trees in your yard.

A soil test can be used to determine whether the soil is abundant in nutrients. A soil test is the most effective method to check this. You can perform this at home using a basic kit or obtain an expert soil analysis at your local cooperative extension office. Tests for soil determine the soil's pH and give valuable information to amend your plant area with organic compost, worm castings, or fertilizer.

It is essential to ensure that your plants get sufficient sunlight. If your plants are in a crowded area together or shaded by larger plants they won't develop as well and New Gardening could be killed due to lack of light. If you plan to water your plants, make sure that the garden is located near the source of water.


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